Online Help

Document last updated on: 3/04/2023

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Software as a Service Cloud Practice Management


See Also
The Medicare Benefits Schedule (MBS) is a listing of Medicare services and fee schedules, and this schedule is utilised in all billing procedures in SAAS Web.

The MBS is updated on a regular basis and published on the Australian Government's Department of Health and Aged Care website MBS Online.

When MBS Online publish an update - this update is then published by SAAS Medical Systems on our private cloud server (in our internal database format).

Each Practice has access to this update - and the Practice Manager can then update their own Practice database by a simple process (shown below).

MBS Schedule fees are updated automatically, and there are facilities to update private fee schedules.

MBS Online link        MBS Online ( )  

You should access MBS Online for the latest news and information related to MBS, or if you need the MBS Book files (in PDF, Word, or Excel format).

The XML file is the data format used to exchange data between different systems.

SAAS Medical Systems use the latest XML file to update our private cloud server. There is no requirement to download the XML file.

MBS Item Maintenance  

Select MBS Item Maintenance from the Administration Setup Menu.

Latest MBS Release 

Check the latest MBS Release available on the SAAS Medical Systems cloud servers.

If the update has already been done - running it again will not create any issues.

If there is a newer MBS Release available than the one shown here, then please inform SAAS Medical Support and this will be updated.

Update Item Pricing for MBS Items  

Select the MBS Category, then click on Update Pricing.

If your Practice does not use a particular MBS Category then there is no reason to update that category.

Note that when the Item Pricing is updated, the new pricing for an item becomes active at a particular date, and the old pricing is retained but inactivated.