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Document last updated on: 24/10/2023

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Software as a Service Cloud Practice Management


Bulk Bill Integrated Reports retrieves Processing and Payment Reports from Medicare Online that have been processed via the Medicare Easyclaims Channel.

SAAS Web requests these reports from Services Australia. Reports are available for six months after the date of lodgement for the claim and can be retrieved in real time as many times as required during this period.

Note: The reports can only be requested by the same transmitting location that submitted the original claim. No payment report will not be produced if the Easyclaim was a ‘decline’ (i.e. cancel).

Easyclaim Bulk Bill Integrated Reports Menu   

From the Home Page menu bar click on Tyro Menu.

Then click on the Easyclaims`TAB and select the Bulk Bill Integrated Reports option.

Bulk Bill Integrated Reports 

Retrieve Processing and Payments reports from Medicare Online for Bulk Bill claims submitted via the Easyclaim channel.

Select the Clinic and Payee Provider - then select the claims to be submitted for reports. 

From the Easyclaim Transaction List displayed (see below) - select the transactions to be submitted to retrieve the Integration Report.

You can Select / Deselect each row individually ( or Select All and deselect where required)

You must then click Confirm Easyclaim Transaction List.

The report request is sent to Medicare, and then the Bulk Bill Report Results screen will display the results.

Bulk Bill Report Results 

If there are multiple results in the Easyclaim Bulk Bull Report Results  Bulk Bill Report Summary, then select each one (or the one that is required) by clicking on that row. 

When that row is selected, the patient, invoice and claim details will display in the top part of the screen, and the Medical Event Services table will display the Medical Events (Invoice Items) for the selected record.

To see the Payment Report - click on the [View Processing and Payment Report and Receipting] button

Processing and Payment Report 

The Processing and Payment Report displays all details returned from Medicare.

The Easyclaim Payment Report shows the amount deposited and the details of the account into which the amount was deposited.

For a claim with multiple services, each service item lists the benefit paid for that item, and any Assessment Code if applicable.

The Receipt Process for Easyclaim 

If the reported Deposit Details are correct, and there are no issues, click on the [Receipt] button.

If the Charge Amount is equal to the Deposit Amount - the Easyclaim transaction will be automatically receipted as a payment from Medicare.

This process changes the status of the Invoice from "Open" to "Paid".

A Receipt, Payment, Distribution and associated records are created or adjusted to balance the accounts.

If the Charge Amount does not equal the Deposit Amount, then the Adjust Open Invoices for Medicare Direct Claim Payments screen is displayed.

You must then make the appropriate adjustment, then click on the [Accept Medicare Payment Adjusted] button.

Easyclaim Bulk Bill History Report 

You can review Payment Reports at any time.

If the Payment Report has already been received, it will be displayed on the History Report List.

You can Sort or Search the History records to easily locate  the required record.

Then again, just click on [Display Process and Payment Report] to display the Easyclaim Processing and Payment Report

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