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Document last updated on: 23/08/2023

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Software as a Service Cloud Practice Management


See Also
 This guide refers only to SAAS Web Medicare Online Patient Billing procedures

Service Level Item Overrides 

Not Normal Aftercare


You can bill an attendance item during an aftercare period if the service isn’t normal aftercare.

A service isn’t normal aftercare if you see a patient for:

  • an unrelated condition
  • complications from the operation.

If an attendance you bill isn’t normal aftercare, you need to check NNA

Not Duplicate Service


This field indicates whether multiple services performed on the same day by the same health professional are separate services.

Set values:

  • Y - not a duplicate service
    • either set time of service or include information in the service text field to support your payment
  • N - duplicate service.

Not Multiple Procedure


Multiple Procedure Override



For multipleProcedureOverrideInd, this information plus text detailing the reasoning behind the setting must be displayed on the printed form.o If set to Y (Not Multiple), ServiceText (providing the reason for the override) must be set`

Self Deemed


  • SD - self-deemed
    • SD is a service provided by a consultant physician or specialist as an additional service to a valid request.

Substituted Service


  • SS - substituted service
    • SS is a service provided that has replaced the original service requested

Hospital Service Not Performed In Hospital


Field Quantity

Use this field for radiation oncology services - Medicare Benefits Schedule Group T2 services.

It’s used to provide the number of fields of treatment delivered to the treatment site or the quantity of time blocks for services.

If you don’t supply this information when claiming, you may get underpaid.


The Location Specific Practice Number(LSPN) is applicable to services:

  • within Group T2 - radiation oncology services as described in the MBS
  • within Category 5 - diagnostic imaging services as described in the MBS
  • where a general practitioner has remote area exemption and performs diagnostic services

Where these services occur, this field is considered mandatory.

Number of Patients Seen

This field indicates the number of patients a health professional has seen at a location. It includes patient visits to homes, hospitals, institutions or nursing homes. Use this for group attendance items, such as counselling.

You must supply this when you claim. If you don’t, you’ll get overpaid.

Restrictive Override Code


Under certain circumstances, providers need to give more information on an account to allow assessment of a service. If the information is left out, it will be rejected or the practice will be contacted for more details. The restrictive override code enables health professionals to send the extra information, for specific situations, through a 2-character indicator for correct assessment and payment for the service.

Separate sites - when this indicator is set, item numbers 30071, 30061, 30192 and 30195 will automatically override where

  • the services are within 1 claim and are for the same patient, health professional and date of service
  • there are combinations of items 30071 and 30061 plus only 1 x 30195 or only 1 x 30192
  • there are multiples of items 30071 and 30061 within 1 claim

The time-dependency restrictions for items 30192 and 30195 will continue to apply.

Service Text

Only use this field when you need more information to support the claim for assessment. The field limit is 50 characters for Medicare claims. The limit for DVA claims is 100.

Time Duration

The duration of the service in minutes. 

Note: MBS items used for timeDuration include: 

• Hyperbaric therapy items 13025 and 13030. 

• Multiple consultations submitted on the same date of service. 

Rule 3 Exempt

Indicates if the pathology service is exempt from Rule 3 in the Medicare Benefits Schedule (MBS).

S4b3 Exempt

Indicator to show the service requires assessing in accordance with S4b3 requirements of the MBS


Use the Specimen Collection Point (SCPId) to identify the site where the pathology specimen was collected.

Patient Billing Item Overrides 

To set an item override, click on the Display Context Menu icon as shown below.

from the Display Context Menu - click on Medicare Online Invoice Item Overrides

click on the required Item Overrides

Type your text