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Document last updated on: 18/10/2023

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Software as a Service Cloud Practice Management


The desktop application runs in conjunction with SAAS Web.

Your practice is online - so no additional setup or database management is required. Simply configure the desktop application to connect to your SAAS Web account.

Desktop application updates are also automated - so no system administration is required when new versions and additional features are added.

SAAS Desktop has a number of advanced features and integration with other Windows applications. This can be quite important to allow easy integration with 3rd party software (such as Pathology Results) and other existing technologies that are Windows based (e.g. some transcription systems for Radiologists and other Specialists).

SAAS Desktop - Advanced User-Interface (UI) Features

Although SAAS Web and SAAS Desktop share most of the advanced User-Interface features - SAAS Desktop has a few additional capabilities.

One such example is that most application data can be exported to Excel with a single click. This feature adds great versatility for power users (e.g. - Accountants and Practice Managers)

SAAS Web Login to SAAS Cloud Desktop   

SAAS Desktop (SAAS Cloud Desktop) - is a Windows desktop application that can only be run as an "add-on" to your SAAS Web account.

When you login to SAAS Desktop, you are actually logging onto your SAAS Web account. 

This is what we refer to as a cloud based dual interface.

SaaS Web is a pure Cloud Practice Management System

You can securely access your patient records, billing and medical records from any web browser.

SaaS Cloud Desktop is a Windows Desktop Application for power usersThe desktop application runs in conjunction with SAAS Web.

Together - this provides all of the benefits of a cloud based Web Application while maintaining full integration with your existing office applications and all of your devices and printers.

SAAS Web Cloud Link

Not all SAAS Web modules are available in the Windows format - but they are all available in SAAS Desktop.

Currently, the modules that are "browser only" are:

  • Australian Immunisation Register
  • ECLIPSE In-Patient - Billing and Reports
  • ECLIPSE In-Patient - Get a Quote

You can of course, open SAAS Web and SAAS Desktop. They will both work side-by-side.

However - what we term the SAAS Web Cloud Link feature, allows SAAS Desktop (windows) -  to open the appropriate SAAS Web (browser) function with full context. As you will see - this facilitates the seamless integration of SAAS Desktop and SAAS Web.

As an example and demonstration, the Immunisation Register (browser) function is instigated from the SAAS Desktop Clinical Management module.

In this GIF screenshot - the [Immunisation Register] link/button in SAAS Desktop > Doctors Desk is clicked.

The SAAS Web Australian Immunisation Register page is loaded in context (i.e the Doctor and Patient Record as selected in SAAS Desktop are current in SAAS Web.

This is full integration between SAAS Desktop and SAAS Web.

SAAS Cloud Desktop also has a number of modules that are "desktop only" and are not available in "browser" format.

Currently the modules that are available only in desktop/windows format are:

  • Pathology Requests and Results
  • Prescriptions - MIMS Integrated
  • Some Patient Consultation / Clinical Notes facilities

The choice of using SAAS Desktop or SAAS Web (or both) - will likely be based on personal preference, the type of Medical Practice, and the role of each user.

PRODA Device Expiry Notice   

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